photovoltaic-solar-panels-roof-new-house-roof-with-solar-panels dos paises construction arizona


Solar energy  is that produced by light -photovoltaic energy- or heat from the sun -solar thermal- for the generation of electricity or the production of heat . Inexhaustible and renewable, since it comes from the sun, it is obtained through panels and mirrors .

Photovoltaic  solar cells  convert sunlight directly into electricity by the so-called photoelectric effect, by which certain materials are capable of absorbing photons (light particles) and releasing electrons, generating an electric current. On the other hand, solar thermal collectors use panels or mirrors to absorb and concentrate solar heat, transfer it to a fluid and conduct it through pipes for use in buildings and facilities or also for the production of electricity (solar thermoelectric).


Solar energy  does not emit greenhouse gases, so it does not contribute to global warming . In fact, it is shown as one of the most efficient renewable technologies in the fight against climate change .  


The desalination process consists of the phenomenon by which an electric current is passed through an ionic solution. Positive ions (cations) will migrate towards the negative electrode (cathode), while negative ions (anions) will migrate towards the positive electrode (anode). Two semi-impermeable membranes are placed between both electrodes that selectively allow only the passage of Na+ or Cl-, the water contained in the center of the electrolytic cell is progressively desalinated , obtaining fresh water.


Unlike traditional energy sources such as coal, gas, oil or nuclear energy, whose reserves are finite, the sun’s energy is available throughout the world and adapts to natural cycles (that’s why we call them renewable ). For this reason, they are an essential element of a sustainable energy system  that allows present development without putting future generations at risk.  


In addition, solar energy is an indigenous energy , available in practically the entire planet, which contributes to reducing energy imports and creating wealth and employment locally. For all these reasons,  the production of electricity through solar energy and its efficient use contribute to sustainable development 


Today renewables , specifically wind and photovoltaic , are cheaper than conventional energies in much of the world. The main renewable technologies are drastically reducing their costs, so that they are already fully competitive with conventional ones in a growing number of locations. Economies of scale and innovation are already making renewable energies the most sustainable solution, not only environmentally but also economically, to move the world.


Of all these advantages, it is important to highlight that  solar energy does not emit toxic substances or air pollutants , which can be very harmful to the environment and to humans. Toxic substances can acidify terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and corrode buildings. Air pollutants can trigger heart disease, cancer, and respiratory conditions like asthma. Solar energy does not generate waste or water pollution , a very important factor considering the scarcity of water.

4 tips to make your air conditioner cooler dos paises construction arizona

4 tips to make your air conditioner cooler

In this season, there is nothing more delicious than coming home, opening the door and being greeted by your perfectly working air conditioner. That little minute that we stand enjoying the cold weather is a gift every summer.

We all agree that our air system is our best friend during the hot months, but if you think it needs to give you better performance, you have to put these 4 tips into practice.

1) Insulate your house

Trying to cool the whole city is complicated, so focus on cooling your house very well by closing doors and windows while you have the air on, this way you will prevent hot air from entering and your investment from going out the window.

2)Keep the temperature stable

The most advisable thing is to maintain a constant temperature, without having to turn your device off and on. Meet our minisplit Inverter, it’s very good at keeping the temperature stable!

3) Close blinds and curtains

Help your cooling system to work much better by preventing the sun’s rays from entering during the hottest hours. In the rooms where you can do it, close the blinds and curtains between 12 and 4 in the afternoon, to prevent this heat generated by sunlight from entering your house and heating up the furniture.

4) Clean the air filters

This point is super important as part of the maintenance that you can do. In the middle of the season, you should clean the filters.


If you put these 4 tips into practice, your refrigeration will cool better and you will enjoy even more those moments when you arrive home and are greeted by cold and delicious air.